Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rock on...

When you are in London, you will notice that Londoners often act like 'zombies' during the rush hour in the mornings -many of which will have their headphones or avoiding eye contact and will be in their own world of music/podcast/audiobook reading a London Metro..

I am also one those 'zombies'..and this week was no exception... I had my ipod on shuffle mode this week..and System of a Down -Chop Suey came on which I had not listened to for a while. I first heard this song during Rockband..and the song kinda grew on me...
It definitely was a song that woke me up ready for work...even the first line of the song is..."Wake up! Put on a lil' make up"- if that isn't a pick me up song I don't know what is.... :P

My ex used to go on about this group and attended their concerts (which were a bit too hardcore for my liking). I was never interested in listening to their music...i thought they were just another heavy metal group who just screamed and lots of head banging but I guess this group is slowly growing on me...

I 'youtubed' this group to find out more of their songs and came across this song Roulette which is surprisingly subdued to their normal songs...

And there's a more upbeat song which is definitely a cool song to 'rock out' to in the car...

ROck on!!!!!!!!! Peace!

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