Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bulan Ramadhan di London long last I finally have internet at the flat. It's amazing how reliant we have become to technology.
It is now the second week of Ramadhan, weather in London is getting colder and it's getting gloomier each day......I hate this time of the year when the weather is gloomy like this. I would not be surprised if Oct/Nov would have the highest suicide rates in the UK.
But let's not have unhappy thoughts right......
So this year is yet another year spending ramadhan in London..I've lost count of how many times I've celebrated Ramadhan in the UK. The best part of Ramadhan is going to tarawih and this month helps us get that much closer with Allah. It's also a chance for families to buka puasa together. Nowadays, modern families don't create enough time to sit down and have a proper meal together as everyone is busy with their everyday lives. Ramadhan can help strengthen family ties by breaking iftar and going to tarawih together.
I miss being back home this time of the year but this is all dugaan kan. Only by being away from home does one realise how lucky one is.
This year, it's been fun having friends over to break iftar together. Last Saturday we went to the Indonesian embassy to break iftar and it was an experience how other countries celebrate. Once a week the Indonesian embassy buat buka puasa session and it felt like being in a kenduri. Everyone sat down and the older folks dishing out food for had that 'kampung feel to it' which was nice.
This week, we went to Qatar mosque for tarawih. I could only do four raka'at and continued witir at home though because I came down with a flu and wasn't feeling too well. Nevertheless it was an interesting experience. I hope to be able to check out how other cultures experience tarawih by the end of this month.
Ok well better start preparing for iftar..........


Imran said...

The Indon Embassy sounds so interesting. Would definitely do it if I was there. I miss London, but you're definitely right bout the gloomy part of the year, very depressing at times. On the bright side, you have internet! Can chat and surf at least, and now I can bombard you with inane videos and weird things I found online. Take care =)

Lini Azly said...

hi wati.. u sent me a text last weekend right?? sorry i didnt reply..

good that u have updated! been waiting for ur update.. :-)

ironically, i miss fasting in london.. cause i was always bz there that i didnt realize time flies by.. altho technically i should be busy at work.. but after 5 years of fasting in london.. malaysia = makan time mentality stuck with me! hehehe...

but yeah.. the breaking fast here is excellent! with all the buffets available.. peace!

Wati said...

Imran, yeay! internet dah fixed :) yep look forwad to seeing these inane videos and weird things u've found online...hehe *intrigued*
Hope the aikido lessons going well dude!

Lini,yep i texted u last weekend. Busy eh....wah bestnye buffets...yummy!! Now i dah ade internet boleh update blog ni more regularly.....Missing u loadssssss!!!