Monday, January 11, 2010

Looking forward to 2010

Welcome to 2010 people! There are a few things I'd like to update but since my 6 yr old laptop had finally died on me--I haven't been able to be online updating blogs etc as much as I would like to..Currently I'm using my work laptop while I save up to buy another laptop although buying a laptop is not in my priority list at the moment. (so i'll be using work laptop for a while...)

2009 has been the year where I realised the truth about certain people and decided to move on with my life---this life is too short to be thinking about the past--if people who you thought were your friends disappoint you then maybe they weren't your true friends in the first place and are just cowards..anyways enough said--

I also realised a few things about family and loyalty but most importantly I learnt to be closer to my faith through the travels that I've been on...

As I have mentioned before in my previous posts--the trials and tribulations in this life can either make u a weak person or you can decide to be the stronger person and overcome these obstacles. Also, being closer to nature and experiencing different cultures and being open minded to other people's customs and environment in different countries opens your heart and expand the mind in order for us to see the wonders of this world....

It has also been the year where I have been given the opportunity to realise some of the goals I had set myself---making my career break, travelling and getting fit.....

2010 will be the year where I finally get to make the move I had been planning for a while now. New challenges and probably more trials and tribulations to come but I have come to realise to accept whatever comes my way...Insya-allah I'll have the strength to face whatever that may come....

I'll try to update more on what I've been up to but for now these are my two songs of the week....
Love it love it....

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