Thursday, July 02, 2009

Change for life...

If you had asked me a few months ago whether I ever looked at the calories noted in food packaging...the answer would have been..."what calories..makan je lah..!!"

Maybe since I'm based at DH now I have been more conscious about healthy eating...
At the beginning of this year, I felt that since I'm no longer studying I have more free-time to do the things I enjoy and pursue my interests..

So far this year I have been able to pursue some of those things .One of them was to get back into fitness classes...

Out of the classes I attend, Fight Klub is one of my favs at the moment-the instructor is awesome and so energetic and the music is so uplifting...
I have also started jogging for the first time and it was hard work at first (and still is at times) but the good summer weather in Hyde Park has helped to keep the motivation going..with the additional goal of participating in a charity run just a few weeks away!

At DH, there is a NHS Healthcheck which is an automated service which can provide a quick checkup on the state of your health. I decided to check it out and it is fairly easy and quick to use. The full checkup takes about 20 minutes..The machine works out your BMI, %fat and your bloodpressure. Alhamdulillah, I was healthy but I could lost a few lbs to maintain healthy weight...
I have never been one of those people who weight themselves everyweek..since I thought I would become too obsessed with it and end up not being able to enjoy food.

But my colleague introduced me to a website called which is a website started by the cyclist Lance Armstrong. It is an informative website. By using the daily plate tab , you can set your own calorie counter goal and by entering your details , the website can track how much you're eating and counter that with the level of fitness exercise you participate everyday.

I've used the website for a couple of weeks now-although its still fairly early to see whether results are effective it has been really useful. I can track what I eat to even the brand of foods I'm using-it even had milo 3 in 1 as one of its products in the database. The good thing about it is it motivates me to do more exercise-because the more I burn the more I can enjoy the food I like and still maintain my target goal.

With any tools you use : 'you get what you put in' so be honest in what you enter. It has made me realise some of the food I'm eating which I thought was healthy was actually higher in calorie content than I thought. It is certainly teaching me a lot about what food are good for you and which are not as the website also offer healthy alternatives to the food you eat.

It also has an extensive website on the types of physical activites available and the associated calorie you burn if you took part in the activities listed...

The best thing of all about this website is FREE! If you are an i-phone user you can actually have an application which can track your daily routine more efficiently...

So those of you who are healthconscious check out the website and start tracking...

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