Saturday, July 28, 2007

Birthday celebration

The family celebrated Liani's 23rd birthday at Itallianies in One Utama and had Nuqman & Naquib with us.

Kak Nor ordered some cute cupcakes for Mama's and Liani's joint celebration. It is a family friendly restaurant with a lively atmosphere. The little boys entertained themselves with big massive balloons courtesy of the restaurant whilst we enjoyed the lovely food.

So my sis is now steadily approaching the mid 20s mark..getting older lah u! Hahahaha :P


Anonymous said...

great party!!great singers kan liani?? take care wati.. hope to c u again soon..

Wati said...

yep it was good kan...hahah the waiter singers were funny!
Nuqman was soo excited singing along ...miss all of u sooo much!!