Thursday, July 12, 2007

Back at home...

I'm finally back at home. I arrived early on Sunday morning.

I wasn't too jetlagged this time since I didn't really get much sleep the night before with my last minute packing and the last few weeks have been hectic to say the least!

Recent updates, I've had to move out of my flat in Bayswater to Edgware Rd. It wasn't out of choice but I was forced out by the landlord and there were certain mishandling of the whole situation by the estate agent. Anyone who has experience in renting will know that estate agents are the most insistent and persuasive people when you are looking for a flat but once you're a tenant their service are often not satisfactory to say the least! Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that I moved out of the place because the whole situation would've been a whole lot more messy if I found out when I came back from KL end of this month.

In the long term I've had to rethink my career options and long term plans ..the question everyone always asks when I go back "Bila nak balik for good??" . When I was younger I thought I had a plan...after uni , qualify for my CA and then work for a few years post qualification in London and then go back to Malaysia to settle down. But now, I'm done with planning ahead and having high expectations..."que sera sera"... I still want to do well... but maybe my time has not yet come..All i can do now is keep on trying and doing my best..

Well, hopefully this break can revitalise me...
I prefer the afternoon flight from London..arrived KL in the morning so didn't get a chance to sleep.
After having breakfast at home, I met my second nephew Naquib for the first time...a year old already! Time flies man!
This week I've been sorting out my admin things like sorting out my lost driving license and updating my passport which I can now use at the Autogate..yeay! No more queuing at the manual gate.
Renewing the licence was surprisingly straightforward, I had to pay RM20 as a fine for losing my licence and showed my IC with copies of my licence photos and hey presto a new driving licence just like that!

I went for my fitting for my fren's wedding...I hope it looks good...have to control what I eat now cuz can't put any more weight after the fitting took place. :P

I also checked out the Curve this week for the first time, I like the place..good choice of places to eat and near my house too so I think that will be my new hangout place... :)
Shopping has also been good although I have to stop using my credit card and converting in MYR! Definitely not a wise thing to do.....

Apart from that, spending time with the family, catching up on sleep and familiarising myself with the Malaysian traffic again with new roads & highways paying for tolls everywhere!

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