Monday, December 04, 2006

Movie week

Last week was movie week.....I don't think I've ever watched so many movies in one week......

I went to watch Jack Black's new movie Tenacious D-Pick of Destiny last Monday...if ur a fan of Jack Black and his guitar playing moves then this is the movie for u...but if u don't like rock music or Jack Black then it is probably best to leave this movie out of your "movies to see" list.

There wasn't really much of a plot to the movie but you will be entertained by Jack Black's antics and Tenacious D's music.

The movie,however, can't beat my favourite Jack Black movie which is the "School of Rock" though...the combination of Jack Black's singing and comedy combined with the cute school kids who are all talented kids.....

Tues night was our regular Prison Break night..I thought season 2 was going to end but the series is stopping for a bit for Xmas so the episode we watched was going to be our last episode for a while.
Schofield was still at his best and the episode ended up with another cliffhanger......will Schofield and his bro ever escape???!!!
can't wait for the next episode to come out in January!!!!!

On Wed I went to watch yet another movie Pans of Labyrinth...I wasn't intending to watch it but I was temaning a friend who was raving about the movie.
I didn't really know much about the movie but I was pleasantly surprised. It is a Spanish movie and was one of the movies listed in the Cannes Film Festival. It is set in post war repression and the story evolves around a little girl Ofelia who is fascinated by fairytale stories. She had to face living with her stepdad and looked after her mother who was pregnant with her stepfather's child. We see her facing up to the monsters of her daily life as well as her fantasy life and the adventures she leads in her travels.......

When you think of fairytale stories you might think lovely cute cuddly creatures but this movie was different. The creatures are more geared to reality (if there is such a thing) and the scenes reminded me of Alice in Wonderland but less of the Hollywood gimmicks. I would highly recommend people to see it..despite having to read the subtitles throughout the movie. :)

Fri night was dvd horror night at Meem's, we rented out horror dvds and watched Japanese movie "Pulse" which turned out not to be that scary (but I still shrieked at some parts). The story didn't have much logic to was about these ghosts who are in a different realm. The ghosts had no more spaces in their own realm so needed to go to our realm and used the internet as their way into our world. The ending was confusing and left all of us feeling puzzled and slightly disturbed.

We continued with the horror theme by watching "Ring 2"- I've never watched Ring-(Japanese version) but I've seen the American version which scared me. I was told the Japanese version is scarier so I ended up staying over at the Macready house cuz takut sangat nak balik to my flat alone!!!

Ring 2 was more about explaining what was the history behind Sadako's past...a lot of screaming went on.....(mainly from Meem and me!) during the scene where we see Sadako's mum and Sadako in the room with the mirror( which we see in the video) as well as the scene where we see Sadako trying to catch up with the Professor's student and the little kid up the well. Definitely not for the faint hearted....

On Sunday took a break from the movies.....we went to Liverpool Street Market...did a spot of bargain some really good deals with tops and jumpers and spent less that 20 pounds but managed to get a few outfits which was definitely good value for money.

We all then went to the driving range for a spot of golf...the last time I went was before puasa so I thought I probably would have forgotten most of the technique already. I was pleasantly surprised that I managed to hit more of the balls this time. Some of them actually went straight compared to before which I either missed, didn't travel very far or totally went off target.

We ended the day by having dinner at Dosa....tried a different menu this time..went for the mutton parotta.with the famous falouda.....! Yummy!!

But tonight I have to burn off all those calories by going to the gym....

Have a good week guys! :)

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