Friday, June 16, 2006

Moshi Moshi Kame-San

What animal would best describe yourself?
For me, I think a turtle is the best animal who can describe my character.
Like a turtle, I am someone who is not easy to come out of my shell and would only be able to really open up with only a few people whom I am close to. But once I can open up and trust someone I remain loyal to my friends.
Similar to turtles, I love the beautiful oceans and the coral reefs. Swimming in the sea is an amazing experience, it's like being in another peaceful and everything seems to just flow by effortlessly.
I am slow at getting certain things and can be a bit "blur" at times..hehehe I guess we all have our weak side kan. But like a turtle although we are a bit slow we can be known as "slow & steady" and take everything in our stride.
If you remember watching Finding Nemo (one of my fav cartoon movies!) ,the turtles were all chilled out even the little turtles like" squirt". I used to be a worrier and would get stressed at every little matter but I've learnt to chill out more and not be so uptight about things. I guess we learn to appreciate the better things in life more as we get older. :)
So what about you? What animal would best describe yourself?


Anonymous said...

ello wati! sihat? lame tak keep in touch.. kak nor ok, dah tak sbr nak deliver ehehe,nuqman dah buas skrg, tp cute ajer eheheh mamapam kate rupe wati lah :) ok laa t care ok...

p/s : turtle mmg tortoise pun cute jgk kan.. ehheheh

Wati said...

hi kak nor, baby due in the next month dah kan...wish i was there...
nuqman ade rupa2 wati ke?
nanti dia dah start jalan lagi buas nanti...hhehe
yep turtle & tortoise both cute...
miss ya kak nor..hope to see u soon!