Monday, May 29, 2006


It's been a while since I've "blogged a proper post". What have I been up to?

hmmmm..let's see had my final exam last month which I'm not looking forward to getting the results which will be out soon.
The waiting game has started and I hate the sleepless nights. I see myself doing the paper again in November *sigh* To be honest I'm tired of auditing and the need of a change of career and a break. Maybe I'm just in one of these moaning moods. I hope I can get out of it.

Well, moving onto more cheerful thoughts. My mom had been staying with us for a month's good to have home cooked food and someone at home waiting for u when u get back from work. A nice treat!

We went to Bicester in Oxfordshire, my mom got her usual stuff for my dad and bro and there were some amazing bargains at Monsoon! We've also been making shopping trips to Slough & London. My sis has been sweet to teman my mom to Oxford St while I attend the Sunday classes.

Last Saturday we went to my dad's friend's house Len & Marigold in Peaslake , Surrey. He lives in a lovely house in the countryside. On the way to his house the roads were winding and narrow but the views were amazing. My favourite was this long stretch road where the trees bend on both sides and create this arch effect. It reminded me of the scene in Sound of Music when the Captain comes back from his trip and sees his children climbing up the trees.

Len said the area is popular with the film studios. I can imagine the area would be great for filming period drama scenes. I love period dramas especially BBC's Pride & Prejudice, Oliver Twist and North & South are a few of my favourites.

Tonight I'm sending my mom to the airport as she will be flying back tonight. Insya-allah she'll be coming back in July with my dad for Liani's graudation in July. I will have to make a few decisions by then....hmmm I pray all will go well......

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