Tuesday, April 25, 2006

25 and above club

I have officially joined the 25 and above club. No longer will I be able to fill forms and tick the age group 20-24 yr olds. I will no longer be known as someone in their early 20s but instead someone in their mid-20s..feel so old!!! Heheheheh......
My birthday was a good day...had the London gang over for dinner. We had Nando's chicken as well as Acha food and lovely desserts to follow...yummmy!

After dinner we decided to play charades...my team lost but it's not the winning but the participation that counts kan?! hehe.. :)
It was fun...we had themes ranging from movies to songs to drama series...the Malay themed ones were the hardest though.

Macam macam aksi took place...if the neighbours saw through the window they must have thought we were a right bunch of crazy maniacs..hehehe

We were laughing until our stomachs were hurting with all the laughter and jokes!
Thanks to everyone who came and the lovely pressies as well as the food & drinks! A special thanks to my 'lil sis for organising the day. :)

So what would I like to achieve in the next year:

1. Qualify and hopefully get out of audit!
2. Go travelling..since I started work my holidays have either been used to go home or for study leave.
I would love to go on a proper holiday to somewhere like Prague or Japan if I can afford it.
3.Perform Hajj or Umrah at least
4. Meet my soulmate

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